Small Group Guide: The Baptism of Jesus and Our Identity in Christ
Luke 3:15-22

Opening Prayer:
Begin with a prayer asking God to open hearts and minds to the message of the sermon and guide the group's discussion.

Key Takeaways:
1. John the Baptist's role was to prepare people for the coming of the Messiah through repentance and water baptism.
2. Jesus' baptism didn't meet people's expectations of a warrior Messiah, but instead revealed His identity as God's beloved Son.
3. Our true identity is found in being God's beloved children, not in what we do, have, or what others think of us.

Discussion Questions:

1. What stood out to you most from the sermon? Why?

2. The sermon mentions that John's baptism was a "winnowing" process. How do you understand this concept, and what might it mean for us today?

3. How did Jesus' baptism differ from people's expectations of the Messiah? Why do you think this was significant?

4. The pastor mentioned three common temptations: thinking we are what we do, what we have, or what others think we are. Which of these do you struggle with most, and why?

5. How does understanding ourselves as God's beloved children change the way we live and make decisions?

6. The sermon suggests that living out our true identity in Christ may disappoint others. Have you experienced this? How did you handle it?

7. What does it mean to you personally to be "beloved" by God? How can we grow in this understanding?

Practical Applications:

1. This week, take time each day to meditate on God's love for you as His child. Write down any insights or feelings that arise.

2. Identify one area in your life where you're trying to meet others' expectations rather than living out your true identity in Christ. Pray about how to address this.

3. Practice affirming your identity as God's beloved to yourself daily, perhaps by saying, "I am God's beloved child, with whom He is well pleased."

4. Reach out to someone in the group or church who might be struggling with their identity and encourage them with the truth of God's love.

Closing Prayer:
Close the session by thanking God for His love and asking for His help in living out your true identity as His beloved children.