Sermon Guide 1/12

Small Group Guide: The Son of the Beloved

Opening Prayer: Begin with a prayer asking God to open hearts and minds to the message of the sermon and guide the group's discussion.

Key Takeaways:

  1. - John the Baptist prepared people for the coming of the Messiah through a baptism of repentance.

  1. - Jesus' baptism didn't meet people's expectations of a warrior Messiah.

  1. - At Jesus' baptism, God affirmed Jesus' identity as His beloved Son.

  1. - Jesus' security in His identity allowed Him to withstand pressure and disappointment from others.

  1. - As baptized believers, we are also called to find our identity as God's beloved children.

Discussion Questions:

  1. - What expectations do you think people had of the Messiah in Jesus' time? How did Jesus challenge those expectations?

  1. - The sermon mentions three false identities we often struggle with: we are what we do, what we have, or what others think of us. Which of these do you find most challenging in your own life?

  1. - How does understanding Jesus' identity as the Beloved Son of God impact your view of His ministry and mission?

  1. - In what ways can our baptism and identity as God's beloved children influence our daily lives and decisions?

  1. - The sermon suggests that living out our true identity in Christ may disappoint others. Can you share an experience where following God's will conflicted with others' expectations?

  1. - How can we grow in security of our identity in Christ, especially when faced with pressure to conform to worldly standards?

Practical Applications:

  1. - This week, spend time in prayer, focusing on your identity as God's beloved child. Write down any insights or emotions that arise.

  1. - Identify one area in your life where you're trying to meet others' expectations rather than God's. Develop a plan to align this area more closely with your identity in Christ.

  1. - Practice affirming other group members in their identity as God's beloved. Send encouraging messages or make a point to verbally affirm them during the week.

  1. - Reflect on your own baptism or commitment to Christ. How can you renew that commitment in a practical way this week?

Closing Prayer: Thank God for the gift of Jesus and His example of living securely in His identity. Ask for help in embracing your own identity as God's beloved and living it out faithfully.